CogAT Sample Questions

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Sample questions for the CogAT Form 7 & 8 Multilevel Exam Grades K-2

Verbal Battery - Picture Analogies, Sentence Completion, Picture Classification
Quantitative Battery - Number Analogies, Number Puzzles, Number Series
Non-Verbal Battery - Figure Matrices, Paper Folding, Figure Classification

For a more in-depth description of the CogAT exam, utilize our Frequently Asked Questions page to answer any questions you may still have.

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Verbal Subsets

The Verbal Battery tests a student's vocabulary, as well as his/her comprehension of ideas, efficiency and verbal memory, and ability to discover word relationships. Statistics show a high correlation between high verbal ability and success in a variety of school subjects.

Three sub-tests are administered in the verbal section. Each sub-test has about 20 questions and the student is given 10 minutes to complete each sub-test, These three sub-tests comprise the verbal score.

Picture Analogies:

Fill in the circle under the picture that would best replace the question mark.

Sample question:

CogAT Picture Analogy Sample Question

Sentence Completion:

If you heard a bark, which one would it be?

Sample question:

CogAT Sentence Completion Sample Question

Picture Classification:

Fill in the circle under the picture that is most similar to the top three pictures.

Sample question:

CogAT Picture Classification Sample Question

Number Analogies:

Fill in the circle under the picture that would best replace the question mark.

Sample question:

CogAT Number Analogies Sample Question

Number Series:

Fill in the circle under the number that comes next in this series.

Sample question:

CogAT Number Series Sample Question

Figure Matrices:

Fill in the circle under the object that would best replace the question mark.

Sample question:

CogAT Figure Matrices Sample Question

Paper folding:

Fill in the circle under the answer that shows what the paper will look like when it is unfolded.

Sample question:

CogAT Paper Folding Sample Question

Figure Classification:

Fill in the circle under the figure that is most like the 3 figures above.

Sample question:

CogAT Figure Classification Sample Question

Sample questions for the CogAT Form 7 & 8 Multilevel Exam Grades 3-12

Verbal Battery - Verbal Analogies, Sentence Completion, Verbal Classification
Quantitative Battery - Number Analogies, Number Puzzles, Number Series
Non-Verbal Battery - Figure Matrices, Paper Folding, Figure Classification

For a more in-depth description of the CogAT exam, utilize our Frequently Asked Questions page to answer any questions you may still have.

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Verbal Subsets

The Verbal Battery tests a student's vocabulary, as well as his/her comprehension of ideas, efficiency and verbal memory, and ability to discover word relationships. Statistics show a high correlation between high verbal ability and success in a variety of school subjects.

Three sub-tests are administered in the verbal section. Each sub-test has about 20 questions and the student is given 10 minutes to complete each sub-test, These three sub-tests comprise the verbal score.

Verbal Analogies:

The student is given three words in dark type. The first two words go together. The third word goes with one of the answer choices. The student is asked to choose the word that goes with the third word the same way that the second word goes with the first.

Sample question:

CogAT Verbal Analogy Sample Question


CogAT Verbal Analogy Sample Question (Answer)

Sentence Completion:

The student is given a sentence with a word left out and is asked to choose a word that makes the best sense in the sentence.

Sample question:

CogAT Sentence Completion Sample Question


CogAT Sentence Completion Sample Question (Answer)

Verbal Classification:

The student is given a list of three words that are alike in some way. The student is asked to choose a word from a selection of five words that is also alike in the same way.

Sample question:

CogAT Verbal Classification Sample Question


CogAT Verbal Classification Sample Question (Answer)

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Quantitative Subsets

The Quantitative Battery tests the student's quantitative reasoning and problem solving ability and provides an appraisal of the student's general level of abstract reasoning.

Three sub-tests are administered in the quantitative battery. Number Analogies has between 14-18 questions depending on level and students are given 10 minutes to finish, Number Puzzles has 10-16 questions depending on level, with a 10 minute testing time. Number Series has 14-18 questions with a 12 minute testing time.

Number Analogies:

The student is given two completed sets of numbers and then a third set with a missing number. The student must understand what the similarity is in the first two sets of numbers and apply that equation to the set with the missing number.

Sample question:

CogAT Number Analogies Sample Question


CogAT Number Analogies Sample Question (Answer)

Number Puzzles:

The student is given an equation with symbols and a missing number. The student must use the information provided to solve for the equation.

Sample question:

CogAT Number Puzzles Sample Question


CogAT Number Puzzles Sample Question (Answer)

Number Series:

The student is given a series of numbers and is asked to decide which number should come next in the series.

Sample question:

CogAT Number Series Sample Question


CogAT Number Series Sample Question (Answer)

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Nonverbal Subsets

The Nonverbal Battery presents the most novel problems to students. The items on these tests use only geometric shapes and figures that have had little direct relationship to formal school instruction. The tests require no reading. It is argued that the nonverbal battery is particularly suitable for obtaining an accurate estimate of development for students, who have difficulty with reading; who have limited competency in English; or who have limited opportunities. The tests in the nonverbal battery are between 16 and 22 questions each and students are given approximately 10 minutes for each section.

Figure Matrices:

In the Figure Matrices subset, each question is a matrix or grin divided into sections. Each section contains a shape, figure, or question mark. Students must determine which of the available answers would best replace the question mark to complete the matrix.

Sample question Figure Analogy:

CogAT Figure Matrices Sample Question

Sample question Pattern Completion:

CogAT Figure Matrices Sample Question (Answer)

Paper Folding:

In the Paper Folding subset, each question shows a square piece of paper being folded and then the folded paper is hole-punched. Select the answer from the bottom row that shows how the folded paper with holes will look when it is unfolded.

Sample question:

CogAT Paper Folding Sample Question

Figure Classification:

In the Figure Classification subtest, each question has two rows of figures. In the top row, the student is given a set of three figures that are similar in some way. Students must determine how they are similar and then select the figure from the available answers that is most similar to the pictures on the top row.

Sample question:

CogAT Figure Classification Sample Question

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